Book #15—-II Corinthians Chp. 13

II Corinthians

Chp. 13

Vs. 1 Paul tells them that he is coming to visit them. This will be the 3rd time.

He plans to talk to the people who are doing sins. The last time he was there with them, he warned them to stop sinning.

He says that it is a custom that if 2 or 3 witnesses (people who have seen a thing)

say that they have seen something, then it is accepted as true,

When Paul gets to Corinth, he will ask people what is happening. He will talk very strong to those who are sinning.

Vs. 3 Some of you have a low opinion of me. You say I am not an apostle. You say I am weak.

When I come, you will see Christ speaking through me in strength. I with Christ’s strength will not be weak. I will be strong in my warning to you about your sin.

Christ, died in “weakness” (because he chose to lay down his life), but he rose up again, He took up his life again. This is the power of God.

We are weak in ourselves, but we have the power of God in us. This power of God will help us in talking with you and taking care of these problems in your church.

You all need to look deep into your own hearts and minds. Look and see if your are of God. See if God and Jesus in in you.

Make sure your heart and spirit are right with God. Make sure you are not pretending to be following Jesus’ teachings, but really you have hidden secret sin in your life.

We are true followers of Christ’s teaching. We do not have secret hidden sin in our life.

Vs. 6 We pray that you are doing what you should be doing.

Not because we want to look good for being your teachers, but because we want you to be doing what is right for your own spiritual good.

Vs. 8 We always stand for the truth and what is right.

Vs. 9 You may see us as weak, but we want you to be strong and mature (grown up) in spiritual things.

Vs.10 I am writing these things to you hoping you will correct these things among your people before we come in person to see you.

If these people are still sinning when we come we will speak sharply and strongly to them.

We will be speaking with the power of Christ in us. We will speak with the power that Christ has given me.

We will do this, not to destroy you or tear you down, but for your spiritual healing and well-being.

Vs. 11 Finally, brothers in Christ, good-bye.

Be perfect (without sin, growing to be mature) (in the power of the Holy Spirit),

Be of good comfort, be at peace. Be of one mind, agree with each other. Live in peace.

And the God of love and peace will be with you.

Vs. 12 When you greet each other, (the custom was to kiss each cheek) do this as a “holy” kiss (a kiss of Christian love).

Vs. 13 All of the Christians here give you greetings.

Vs. 14 May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.