Bible Questions #3236-3250 Luke 19 vs. 28-48

Bible Questions #3236-3250

Luke 19 Vs. 28-48

3236. Jesus is going where? ________________________

3237. Jesus came to a small town called Bethany on his way there. He was near the Mount of _________________.

3238. Jesus sent 2 of his disciples to go get a ________________.

3239. No one had ever _________________ on this colt before.

3240. See Zechariah 5: 9 This is a prophecy about Jesus told about 500 hundred of years before. What does it say Jesus will do? ________________________________________________


3241. The disciples did not ask permission to take the colt, but Jesus said if any one asks tell them what? ________________________________


3242. People put their coats or robes on the _______________

where the donkey would walk.

3243. Vs. 37 When Jesus got closer to the Mount of ______________ a crowd of people began to _______________ God with a loud ___________________ for all the ________________ works that they had seen.

3244. They said ______________________________________

that comes in the name of the Lord.

3245. Vs. 39 Some of the Jewish church leaders did not like what the people were saying about Jesus and they thought that Jesus should make them stop. But Jesus said, If they do not shout out, then the __________________ would shout praise to him.

3246. When Jesus got nearer to Jerusalem and looked down on it,

He _____________________.

3247. Jesus said, If you had known this day the things which would have given you peace, but these things were ___________ from you eyes (and you did not see or understand).

3248. Vs 43, 44 Jesus said a prophecy about the city. He said that enemies would come into the city and give them much trouble. He said that not one _______________ would be left upon ________________.

(This happened 70 years later, when the Romans came in with their army and killed many of the people. They destroyed much of the city. They destroyed the Jewish temple and burned it. There was much gold in the temple and when they set fire to the temple the gold melted and ran down between the stones. So they pulled the stones apart to get the gold. So Jesus’ words came true.)


3249. Vs. 45 Jesus went into the temple. Men were selling animals for sacrifices. Men had tables where one kind of money was changed for another. It was very busy. Some of the men selling were not honest and were cheating people.

Jesus saw all that was happening. It made him both sad and angry at was going on in God’s temple. In other books of the Bible, it says that Jesus took a whip and chased the men out.

Here in the book of Luke it just tells what Jesus said, “My __________________ is a house of _____________________ but you have made it a _____________ of ____________________.

3250. Jesus was teaching every day in the temple, but the Jewish leaders did not try to catch him to kill him then because all of the

____________________ were listening carefully to Jesus.

These leaders did not know how they would take Jesus without making all the people angry and they would make a riot.

Then the Romans rulers over the Jewish people would come and want to know what was going on and why they were making such a riot.