Bible Questions #3259-3265 Luke 20:27-47

Bible Questions #3259-3265

Luke 20 Vs. 27-47

3259. Which group of Jewish church leaders did not believe in the resurrection of the dead? ___________________________________________________________

3260. What was the question that they asked Jesus? _________________________


3261. Vs. 34-36 Jesus answered them. He said that men and women when they are on earth get m______________, but in heaven they are not m_______________________. In heaven, people are like angels in that way that they do not get married.

Jesus did not say that people become angels. Jesus said that we will be like angels in that we will not be thought of as married and will not get married in heaven.

We will also be like the angels in that we will not die any more.

In other words, in heaven you may know someone as having been your wife or husband but in heaven those kinds of feelings will be over and in the past. Our new heavenly bodies and feelings will be different in heaven.

3262. Vs. 37 When God spoke to Moses out of the burning bush, God said he was the God of ___________________. _____________. and _________________________,

3263. Vs. 38 God is not the God of the ______________ but of the _________________________.

In other words, in the time of Moses Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were physically dead. They had died many years before Moses.

But when God spoke of them, He said he was still their God because they were living their eternal life. They were alive.

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and others including Moses anyone in the Old Testament those who believed and trusted in God did not go into “heaven” when they died. Not until Jesus died on the cross for man and was the perfect sacrifice a man for a man.

When Jesus rose up from the dead he broke the power of death over people.

At that time, all those believers who died before the cross now were brought into heaven.

Before then, after they had died, they had been in a waiting place called “the bosom of Abraham”.

Since Jesus had not died and not yet made the perfect sacrifice for man’s sin, they could not go into heaven.

But they believed in God and trusted that God would send the Messiah someday and that their sins would be forgiven. They had made animal sacrifices which was the best they could do at that time.

3264. Vs . 41-44 Jesus asked them a question. Jesus quoted a verse from Psalms 110:1 Jesus said, How can David call this person Lord and say that he is his ______________ at the same time?

Jesus was a descendent or great, great, great, many greats grandson of David. Jesus was born to people from the tribe of Judah—David’s tribe.

But Jesus was God so he was David’s Lord as well as Jesus being his descendent or “son”.

The Jewish leaders did not believe that Jesus was God or God’s son. He was not “Lord” to them.

3265. Vs. 45-47 Jesus warned the people about the Jewish church leaders. He said that liked to do what? _____________________________________________




But they did wrong things like: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________