Easy Bible Questions #131

Can You Answer These Questions? 80118

Lazarus raised from the dead. John Chp. 11

1. Vs. 17 How long has Lazarus been dead? _____________________

2. Vs. 19 Who are his sisters? _________________ and _______________

3. Vs. 25 Jesus said “ I am the _______________________ and the ____________________ , he that _______________________ in me, even though he were dead, yet shall he ____________________

4. Vs. 26 Whosoever lives and _______________________in me shall never _______________

5.Vs. 43 Jesus called with a loud voice, “Lazarus, _____________


6. Vs. 44 He that was dead came forth bound in ____________________________ Jesus said, _____________________

And let him ______________













1. 4 days     2. Mary,     Martha       3.resurrection     life    believeth    live    4.believes   Die

5. Come forth   6.grave clothes      Loose him      go