Bible Questions #3266-3280 Luke 21: 1-26

Bible Questions #3266-3280

Luke 21 Vs. 1-26

3266. Jesus was in the temple. He was watching people come in and put money (offerings) in the ____________________ box.

3267. A poor widow woman came in and put _______ ______________ into the box.

3268. What did Jesus say about her offering? ________________


3269. Why did Jesus say she gave more than anyone else?



3270. V 6,7 Jesus was speaking of the beauty of the temple.

Then he said in the future there would not be one __________ left _____________ __________________.

(This was fulfilled in 70 AD when the Romans came in a destroyed the temple. So in 70 years time this verse was fulfilled.)

3271. Vs. 8 Jesus warned that in the future men would come saying that they were _________________________________.

3272. Vs. 9 Jesus said you will hear news and talk of _____________. But the ____________ is not yet.

3273. Vs. 10 What will happen? ________________________


3274. There will be _____________________ in many places.

There will be ____________________ (no food).

There will be fearful signs in the _______________________.

3275. Vs.12 But before these things happen, what will happen to the believers? _________________________________________



3276. Vs. 14-15 Jesus said, Do not worry what you will say to these leaders because ________________________________


3277. Jesus said they would be betrayed by _______________



And some of you will be put to ___________________________.

3278. Vs. 17 You will be ________________ for my name’s sake.

3279. Vs. 20, 21 When they see armies all around the city of Jerusalem they should flee–run to the mountains of __________________________.

3280. Vs. 25, 26 Jerusalem will be over run by Gentiles until God’s time is fulfilled. There will be signs in the _____________, the _______________ and the ________________.

Nations will have many troubles. The sea and the waves will

_______________. (Big waves, storms)