Bible Questions #3344-3357 Luke 22:61-71 Chp. 23:1-2

Bible Questions #3344-3357

Luke 22 Vs. 61-71 Chp. 23 Vs. 1-2

Verse 61 In verse 60, Peter had said 3 times that he was not with Jesus and did not know him—-then he heard the rooster crow that it was morning.

Peter remembered what Jesus had said about that—Matthew Chp. 26 Vs. 34, 75

Now—The Lord turned and looked at Peter. Then Peter

remembered what Jesus had said.

Verse 62 Peter went out and wept (cried) with great sorrow.

3344. Verse 63 The men that held Jesus —-did what to him? ____________ him and _____________ him.

3345. Then they put a ________________ over his eyes, and hit him in the ________________. They asked him,

_____________ hit you?

(They had heard that Jesus was God, so they thought if he was God, he would be able to tell them. But Jesus did not say anything.)

3346. Verse 66 As soon as daylight came, the _____________ of the people, and the chief ________________, and the _________________ all came together in a meeting.

3347. They asked Jesus, “Are you the __________?”

3348. Jesus answered, “If I tell you, you will _________


3349. Jesus also said, “If I ask __________, you will not answer me, and you will not let me ___________.”

3350. Then Jesus said, “After this, the Son of Man, will sit

at the ________________ _____________ of the power of _________________.

3351. Vs. 30 Then they asked Jesus, “Are you the

____________ of _________?”

3352. Jesus answered, “You say that _____ _________.”

3353. They said, “Why do we need any more ____________________? Because we have heard him say it with his own mouth.

Chapter 23

3354. Then the whole group of them took Jesus to the Roman governor, his name was ________________.

3355. The men told the Roman governor what they had against Jesus.

They said, he was ______________________ the nation (He was making trouble for the Roman government by stirring up the people.)

3356. They said, that he was telling the people not to give _______________ (tax money) to Caesar. (We know this was not true because they asked Jesus about this one time, and Jesus told them to give to Caesar what was Caesar’s

And give to God what was God’s. Matthew 22:20-22

At another time, Jesus sent Peter to go fishing, and when he caught a fish there would be a coin in its mouth and he was to pay the tax with it.

Matthew 17: 24-27

3357. They said, That he called himself a k________________.