Bible Questions #3358-3375—-Luke 23:3-38

Bible Questions #3358-3375

Luke 23     Vs. 3-38

3358. Jesus is now standing before the Roman governor, Pilate.

The Jewish leaders have blamed him for not paying tax money

to Caesar —–and for calling himself “Christ the King”.

Verse 3 Pilate asked him, “Are you _______________________?”

3359. What did Jesus answer? __________________________________

3360. Vs. 4 Does Pilate find anything wrong with Jesus? _______

3361. Vs. 5 The Jewish leaders became very angry when Pilate said this. They began to say that Jesus was making problems among the Jewish people because of his teachings.

When Pilate learns that Jesus if from the area of ______________

then Pilate sent him to the Roman ruler over that area. What was this ruler’s name? __________________

3362. Vs. 8 This ruler was happy to see Jesus because he wanted to see Jesus do a __________________ so he could see it.

3363. Herod asked him many questions. Did Jesus answer him?


3364. Herod’s soldier did what to Jesus? _____________________



The Herod sent Jesus back to Pilate.

3365. Vs. 13, 14 Pilate again says that he has not found any reason to punish Jesus with death. Vs. 15 He says that Herod did not find anything. So Pilate wanted to whip him and let him go.

Vs. 17 The Jews had a custom at Passover time to let one prisoner in prison go free. When Pilate wanted to let Jesus go free, the Jewish leaders said, No, let ______________________ go free instead.

3366. Pilate still wanted to let Jesus go, but the Jewish leaders began to shout _________________________________. Vs.21

3367. Pilate tried again to let Jesus go , but the Jewish leaders shouted all the more. Finally, Pilate did what ? Vs. 24


3368. Vs 26 They had given Jesus a cross to carry. But after he was whipped and beaten, he did not have the strength to carry it.

So they call to a man along the road to carry it for him. The man’s name was ______________________.

3369. Many people followed behind Jesus. The women were crying. Jesus told them not to cry for him, but to cry for their children, because of what would happen in the future.

Things would be so bad that people would ask for the

______________________________ to fall on them.

( 40 years later the Romans made much trouble for the Jewish people and many died.)

3370. Jesus came to a place called _______________________.

There were how many other men to be killed with him? ________

3371. Vs 34 Jesus said a prayer for those who going to kill him.

What did he pray? ____________________________________


3372. Vs. 35 People stood watching. The Jewish leaders mocked him, saying—”He _______________ others, let him ___________

___________________ if he be the _______________ the chosen one of _________________.

3373. The soldiers mocked him and gave him ______________

to drink.

3374. The soldiers said to him, If you ____________________


3375 Vs. 38 They put a sign above Jesus cross saying _____________________________________________________